The St. Mark Athletic Committee (SMAC) is the primary leadership and planning body for all CYO sports programs at St. Mark. The committee establishes and periodically reviews the philosophy and objectives of the CYO program at St. Mark. It determines the sports and wellness programs to be offered under parish sponsorship and defines the rules for participation in them.
CYO Athletics is to provide as many young people as possible the opportunity to experience spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional growth through participation in a variety of sports. When done with effective leadership, no other learning experience allows young people to acquire so much information about themselves and others. The St. Mark Athletic Committee(SMAC) has been formed by the authority of the Pastor as the primary leadership, and planning body for St. Mark Parish’s Catholic Youth Organization athletic program. SMAC is responsible to the parish community and accountable to the Youth and Young Adult Commission. The committee establishes and periodically reviews the philosophy, and goals/objectives of the CYO program at St. Mark Catholic Church. It determines the sports/wellness programs to be offered under parish sponsorship and defines the rules for participation in them. The Program is managed by the Parish Athletic Director with guidance from SMAC. Please take the time to read our handbook and review it with your children so they understand the rules and Code of Conduct.
Saint Mark Athletic Committee (SMAC) Bylaws & Standards of Conduct